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Amateur Radio Includes So Many Things
Here are just 56:
Antenna building | Maintenance & Operation | Radio repair |
Antenna physics | Mesh Net | Repeaters |
Contesting | Mobile HF | RF design |
Awards for Worked All States (WAS), DX Century Club (worked 100 entities–DXCC) | Morse Code | Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Hunting |
Basic science | Neighborhood emergency radio | Search and rescue |
Boy Scouts on the Air | Net control | Sherriff assistance |
Communicate on different bands (1.25m, 2, 6, 10, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 160) | OR Defense Force | Short wave listening |
Community service | Pacific Seafarers Net | SSTV (Slow Scan TV) |
Digital communication | Parks on the Air | Stand alone repeater |
Earth-Moon-Earth (moon bounce) communication | Participating in nets | Study radio spectrum |
Electronics | Physics of electronics | Summits on the Air |
Emergency prep | Physics of waves | Support running & bike races |
Experimenting | Portable communication | Technology |
Family communications | Propagation | Tube rigs |
Fox (or bunny) hunting (direction finding) | Public service | Volunteer Examiner (VE) testing for new hams |
Homebrew transmitters | QSL cards | Voice communication |
Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) | Radio astronomy | Volunteering in your club |
Kit building | Radio control | Wireless internet communication 802.11 |
Low Power Transmitting (QRP) | Radio in RV |